Sword of The Berserk (Cut Scenes)
This is a collection of animation captured from the Berserk game which was released in America on March 2000..
All the clips are available in Windows Media Player Format* only.
1. The Dragon Slayer (56k, DSL)
2. Prologue (56k, DSL)
3. Meeting (56k, DSL)
4. Opening (56k, DSL)
5. Metamophosis (56k, DSL)
6. Balzac (56k, DSL)
7. Portrait (56k, DSL)
8. Mandragora (56k, DSL)
9. Attack (56k, DSL)
10. Pursuit (56k, DSL)
11. The Resistance (56k, DSL)
12. A Few Thoughts (56k, DSL)
13. Village of the Mandragora (56k, DSL)
14. Sister Eriza (56k, DSL)
15. Shadow of the Moonlit Night (56k, DSL)
16. In the Laboratory (56k, DSL)
17. Heart of the Great Tree (56k, DSL)
18. Going Underground (56k, DSL)
19. The Great Tree (56k, DSL)
20. Destruction of Paradise (56k, DSL)
21. Warning of the Immortal (56k, DSL)
22. Chaos (56k, DSL)
23. Annette (56k, DSL)
24. Years Pass (56k, DSL)
25. Wheel of Fate (56k, DSL)
26. Caska's Way (56k, DSL)
27. Bad Dreams (56k, DSL)
28. Transmigration (56k, DSL)
29. Epilogue (56k, DSL)
30. Ending (56k, DSL)
31. Enter The Skull Knight (56k, DSL)
*To download files (for PC), please right click and select "save as" to desire location.