FreeWave Book

Illustrations, Art, Comic, and my life.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

2 Other projects to complete

Last night I had a chance to review myself as I decided not to do much after posting a blog. I laid down and thought of various projects which have yet to complete. There are quite a few things which still need to get done because I hate starting up a thing and unable to finish it. Putting Himapan project aside, first and second thing that came to my mind were the comic project and the bliss board game project.

The comic project:

Since I was a child, I was always dreaming of becoming a great comicker someday. That dream is yet realized! At the time (around 1980s), I was still a child, I used to draw and scribble along page gutters of my school books. As some of my friends may know, my parents are of traditional Chinese folks. They didn't seem to think that using the blank spaces around school books is a good idea. They insisted that being an artist's not a good idea. As there are more striving artists than successful ones. They wanted me to aim for more "concrete" careers like an Engineer, a Medical doctor, a Teacher or something. I tried to accept their idea, but in the back of my mind drawing comic would be the thing I'd choose.

By the year 1995 I thought Computer field is pretty hot. They agreed with me. So I majored in Computer Science. While studying in this field, I started messing around with digital painting and now have some hope to become a comicker like I wanted to. Thinking back on this issue, if I had a chance to go back in time I would have chosen the same thing again. Because I think if I chose to go for comic at that time, I might have been a computer-phobic and I might not have discovered digital painting at all :0. I'm plannign to do this comic thing again after the Himapan project is over-which could be a year or so from now.

The Bliss Board Game:

This is a long overdue project for my personal Bliss, female clothing line, which photon, a friend of mine, will assist in programming. My girlfriend and I are responsible for the graphic part. It's been on hold for quite sometime. Now I want to resurrect it. Photon seems to be busy at the moment but I'm sure someday he will complete it ;)

Let's hope these 2 projects will soon be complete...


Anonymous said...

I never seen the board game you posted. But it sure looks good. Can't wait.


11:09 AM

Anonymous said...

ชอบการ์ตูนนะครับ สวยดีใช้อะไรทำครับ

9:25 PM

Anonymous said...

one day.. man..
one day.. not too soon,but not too long..


2:38 PM


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