Himmapan Mermaid

The project Himmapan is coming along slowly but firmly. At the moment, my girlfriend and I are trying to complete as many illustrations as possible. Now started doing full color illustration for each creature. The one above is full color illustration or the famous mermaid character in Himmapan World.
Below is the traditional line art representation of the mermaid.

And here's the mural image of mermaid (in the story of Ramakien (Ramayana)

Let me know what you think.
Til next time,
pretty mermeid wa
9:48 PM
It's a very beautiful drawing. Was it also vector?
11:12 PM
6:22 PM
just a long weird-hair that bother me. it's unnatural.
just too... i don't know
but mostly i like it.
11:36 PM
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