This site's created and maintained by Yongkiat K.  

This site is optimized for HTML 4.0 browsers on PC preferably IE 5.0 with the recommended resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. It's also good to note that this site requires loads of memory and good bandwidth (DSL+).

©1998-2000, Yongkiat Karnchanapayap. All rights reserved. No part of this website can be reproduced or copied without prior agreement with me. Violators will be struck by lightning! And I'm not even kidding.

  Last Update: June 08, 2001  
Name: Yongkiat Karnchanapayap
DOB: July 14, 1977
Academic Major: Computer Science
Tel: (818) 781-2770
E-mail: [email protected]
1994-1998 California State University, Fresno
B.S. in Computer Science, May 1998.

Work Experience:
User Interface Developer:
Period: October 2000-Present
Company:eVerse Corporation
-HTML Integration
GUI Development

Senior Web Developer:
Period: July 1999-2000
Company:TRUE Interactive, Malibu, CA,
-HTML Integration
-Resource Manager

Senior Web Developer:

Period: Feb 1999-July 1999
Company: LinkE@SY Networks,
Web Site Development, site planning, designing , and execution.

Click here for Full Resume'

Having fun yet? ... I guess you are on your own for awhile...til I've some time to help ya out... for now call 911 !