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This Privacy Policy and Disclosure Statement explains in general terms how Bliss protects the privacy of your personal information under the National Privacy Principles. The principles set out in this Bliss Privacy Policy and Disclosure Statement will apply to any personal information you provide to Bliss via our web site or under any agreement or arrangement and to information, which we collect about you from other sources.

This Bliss Privacy Policy and Disclosure Statement does not apply to acts and practices of a Bliss entity, which relates directly to the employee records of that Bliss entity's current and former employees.

Where you go and what you do — What we know without you telling us !
Data about your activity while here on this site is automatically provided to Bliss when you sign on. For each visitor, our Web server automatically recognizes only your domain name, but not your e-mail address. We collect only the domain name, but not the e-mail address of visitors to our Web pages; we collect aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit, how many visits we get, and information such as where visitors arrived from as far as other sites on the Internet or if they directly typed our website address into their browser. It is used by us for internal review in aggregate and non-personally-identifiable form.

How we collect your personal information
We generally collect your personal information directly from you. For example, we may collect personal information about you when you deal with us over the telephone, send us correspondence (whether by letter, fax or e-mail) or when you have contact with us in person. Generally, the type of personal information we collect about you includes your name, mailing address, telephone number and e-mail address. In certain circumstances, we may also collect sensitive information about you such as information about your gender or age.

Our disclosure statement Bliss collects personal information for the following purposes:

• to provide you with information about Bliss products via e-mail
• to sell you Bliss Products over the internet

In some circumstances, we collect personal information about you from a third party source. If we collect personal information about you in this way, we will take reasonable steps to contact you and ensure that you are aware of the purposes for which we are collecting your personal information and the organisations to which we might disclose your personal information.

How we use or disclose your personal information

We will use and disclose personal information for the primary purpose for which it was collected. We may also use and disclose personal information for purposes related to the main reasons we collect it, such as invoicing, reminder notices, provision of information concerning Bliss and other services offered by us. We do not disclose personal information we collect to third parties for the purpose of allowing them to direct market their products and services.

Keeping your personal information up-to-date
We take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date whenever we collect or use it. If any of the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date, please contact us immediately and we will take reasonable steps to correct this information or, if necessary, we will discuss alternative action with you.

Security of your personal information
We protect any personal information that we hold from misuse and loss. We also protect it from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. Your personal information may be stored either in hard copy documents or as electronic data in Bliss' software or systems. We maintain physical security over our paper and electronic data stores and premises, such as locks and security systems. We also maintain computer and network security.

How to contact us
If you wish to gain access to your personal information or make a complaint about a breach of your privacy or if you have any query on how your personal information is collected or used or any other query relating to Bliss' Privacy Policy and Disclosure Statement, please contact our Privacy Officer:

Mr Yongkiat Karnchanapayap
Telephone (66) 2241 2969
Mail: 305/87 Soi Pichai, Pichai Road, Dusit, Bangkok, Thailand 10300
Email:[email protected]

We will respond to your query or complaint as soon as possible

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