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Ultra Pixel Porn 3: The Guide
The Guide to Human Sexual Positions and more.
Explore it for yourself.
Very interesting depiction of...... ummm..... 'sex'. Very 'cute' as well.
A personal design link site of daniel leung. Nice Flash add-on to the site. Very well-designed as a portal site.

future farmers.com
Another site with a great use of Flash. 3D-ish models in flash make it stands out of the crowds.
Korean's flash character animation site. One word...."cute".
Momento (A)
I just got a chance to view this film on DVD. This flick is an extra ordinary piece of film that's under rated. I didn't think I was gonna like this film that much. But I didn't just like it, I love it. Very disturbing.. :)

Jin-Roh (A)
I watched this film awhile back with a friend and just rewatched it again by myself. This is one great animation. One shall not miss out. The animation's fluid, the storyline is superb.....Just an "A" class film. The story is setting in an alternative post-war japan focusing on a man and his predetermined instinct as a killer. The storyline is quite sophisticated unlike most kill-em-all anime out there. A must see.

Name: Johonna Marcella Nutter

State: Washington


Eyes: hazel.
Occupation: Web Designer,
URL: josienutter.com

Marital Status:

english, spanish, japanese.

Hobbies: I enjoy acting, drawing, RPGs of all kinds, HTML, Photoshop, and foreign languages.

Sport Skills: swimming, hiking, skiing, pilates (I'm currently taking classes at Pacific Northwest Ballet)

Turn Offs:
Spam (unsolicited commercial email), tasteless/degrading pornography, eating disorders, suicide, bad/rude drivers, sexism, racism, stupidity (as opposed to plain ignorance which sometimes can't be helped), panhandlers, smarmy men, thieves, liars and browser differences.

Photography: © George Vernon, Josie Nutter & Sebastian Studios
The Berserk Site continues to gain more popularity. As a matter of fact, more than 50% of the traffic is now directly enter to this subsite of Yong's Gallery.

I'm still working on the translation and add more video clips from the Anime Series. I did, however, managed to finish the encoding of the Dreamcast Cutscenes into the site.

To learn more about the Berserk, visit Yong's Berserk Page now.
Armored Core 2: Another Age (B-)

Developer: From Software
Genre: Action
Platform: PlayStation2
Number of Players: 1-2
Net Support: Yes
I played this game briefly with a friend of mine who is an Armored Core Fan.
I wouldn't say this is a totally new game. In fact, it is an expansion for the previous installment of Armored Cored 2 which was released for PS2 on October 26, 2000.
Pretty much everything stay the same to its predecessor. The graphics were enhanced a bit but can hardly be noticeable. Though not much is improvments were made to the Graphical/Display department, the visuals of this game are really nice and crisp.

Control and Gameplay:
If you have never played Armored Core Series before, you might have some tough time adjusting yourself to the control of this game. I certainly had a few difficulties of my own. :) I thought the controls ae kind of awkward. Perhaps it's just my personal view.
The strong part of the gameplay is the multiplayer aspect. You can participate in single combat, versus missions, where you and a friend take on opposing roles in a scenario, or you can select to cooperate on missions, teaming up against the enemy with different mechs. This adds quite a few replay value to the game.
Final Words:
If you haven't played Armored Cored 2, it might be good to pick up and test this title out. For those who have played the original A.C.2 already, it's kind of hard to say whether it'll worth your money or not since it doesn't add that many new things from the last installment.
Let's just say....if you are a true core A.C. fan, you should get it. Else, give it another thought before spending your money.

>> Add more screens where pixelfucker.net and yong.ariszone.com have been linked up.
>> Sorry for no update for a long time. I just got settled here in Thailand... Whew..and adjusting myself to new environment ain't as easy as I thought it would be. Anyhow...another bad news...my friend whom my site hosted with will be moving out of his apartment soon...that could only mean.....my site will be unplugged at around that time until further notice. (the end of Jan 2002)
>> Add "Who's your Daddy?".
>> Add "The Black Swordsman".
>> Add "Griffith's New Army".
>> Add "Japaness Girl".
>> Add "Robot Chick ".
>> September issue has arrived with the debut subsite, Berserk.
>> The Ultra Pixel Porn Vol 2 of September issue is also available at ultrafashionporn.com.
>> Add "Skull Knight".
>> Add "Nosferatu Zodd".
>> The early August issue has arrived but not quite linked from the splash page yet til August actually arrived. This issue will be updated quite frequent. So, come back often.
>> Add "Losing Head ".
>> You may not know that Yong's Gallery also has an alias of pixelfucker.net.
>> The Ultra Pixel Porn Vol 1 of August issue is also available at ultrafashionporn.com.
>> More E3 2001 booth babes I just found on my other memory card now available on July issue.
>> Add Movie Watched "Final Fantasy" to July 4th issue.
>> Little cute pixelfold babes added on the splash page, most of them created by Francis Lam from db-db , and some of them were painted by me.
>> Add "Saving my bitches".
>> My site was mentioned in "Designer's Note pad ". exactly on my birthday
>> Some booth babes I forgot to post now available on July issue.
>> Yong's Site is featured in "Cool Web Design Site". I'm so proud of myself (^_^). Just go search for "yong" from the search link off the homepage of the site if you can not find my site listed there.
>> Add "Why the hell should I quit smoking?" image.
>> Special July 4th issue.
>> Create the new July month page and add "Hello there" image.
>> E3 2001 Booth Babes added to July issue.
>> Add "Pain" and "The Fool" to the site.
>> Add "Don't Mess With Me".
>> Add JavaScript News Release to the page.
>> Tone down the mature theme of "of beauty and nature".
>> Finally got this gallery section up and running.
>> Convert "of beauty and nature" to be Flash animation..
>> Add "Dragon Slayer" image to the splash page.
>> Moved "Crimson Lady" the archive section.
>> Finally got this gallery section up and running.
>> Add "Crimson Lady" to the splash page.