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Ultra Pixel Porn 4: H.J. Guide
The Guide for ladies to please their men manually.
A collection of flash-based porno related presentation very classy design.

I love those pixel stuff. It's nice to see cute pixels done in dynamic HTML rather than flash.

A great designer and a good friend of mine. We used to work together ...I already miss workign with her.
the positron.com
You got to love those toys. Very nice collection of various types of dolls and figures.
Mulholland Dr. (A+)
All I can say is "Wow". David Lynch has done it again. This time it makes me wonder what I'm doing at this moment is real...or what? At first, I thought the beginning half was kind of forced-comedy. But in the end, things tied up so well (or at least I thought so). l can't wait til the DVD release of this film. View Trailer
Joy Ride (C+)
I think This movie's a bit overrated on other movie critic sites. The plot is rather simple and very predictable. It's also very unbelievable that a trucker will turn psycho and start crashing stuff left and right just becasue a guy pretended to be a girl and seduced him over radio. (He later also decided to paint graffiti on Highway signs) All these acts just to teach kids a lesson? ha ha ha

Iron Monkey (A-)
This is a re-release of the 1993 Hongkong film. A prequal of "Once Upon a Time in China" series. Though, without Jet Li, this film packed with amazing wirework action. The story is rather simple. My friend told me it's very "batman-ish" in term of the structure of the story-(good guy, secret identity).

Name: Kalen B.

State: Kentucky

11 /26/1984

Light Reddish Brown
Eyes: Gray
Height: 5' 3"
Bust: 32C
Waist: 29
Hips: 35

Child Care

english, french.

Sport Skills: Dance, Soccer
Turn Offs: Bad breath, smelly body parts, obsessiveness, "players", stupidity, bad grammar, short guys, crooked teeth.
Turn Ons: Dimples, a tall guy, dark skin, dark hair, pretty eyes,
confidence, deep voices, humor, uniqueness, good breath, nice feet, strong hands, an exceptional personality, intelligence.

Life long Aspiration: I want to become famous and change
something negative about the world. I hope that I'll do this through my writing.
Kessen II (C-)

Developer: KOEI
Genre: Strategy
Platform: PlayStation2
Number of Players: 1
I was so excited about the release of this game. As a matter of fact, I bought this game the very same day it came out. All I can say is it's very much the same as Kessen 2. Nothing seem to have changed in the Gameplay area. One major disappointment for those who actually know the historical background of "Romance of the 3 Kingdoms" is the story in this game is completely "Fucked up" I wish they did not change that.
More troops, more horses, more troops, more elephants, more troops, more.... Am I repeating myself? Aside from the "more"point of view, the troop seem to just wander around and doesn't do crap when you switch to third person mode. Though some special effect (spells) are nice, after the third time you saw it, you'll just wish the damn spell wouldn't take that long.
Control and Gameplay:
If you have played Kessen, there's not much thing you need to know, the in-game tutorial was nice..but sometimes a bit irritating. The game is pretty much a strategy game, but the third person control of a general is pretty neat. It allows you to view and engage in a battle as a general of your troop.
Final Words:
If you already own Kessen, just close your eyes, turn up the volume(so it would sound liek ther are more troops), pretend those Japanese troops in the game are Chinese instead and you'll save yourself $49.

>> bliss, an online clothing store is now open 24 hours a day.
>> Pulp Magazine Published online check int out here.
>> Add more screens where pixelfucker.net and yong.ariszone.com have been linked up.
>> Sorry for no update for a long time. I just got settled here in Thailand... Whew..and adjusting myself to new environment ain't as easy as I thought it would be. Anyhow...another bad news...my friend whom my site hosted with will be moving out of his apartment soon...that could only mean.....my site will be unplugged at around that time until further notice. (the end of Jan 2002)
>> Add "Who's your Daddy?".
>> Add "The Black Swordsman".
>> Add "Griffith's New Army".
>> Add "Japaness Girl".
>> Add "Robot Chick ".
>> September issue has arrived with the debut subsite, Berserk.
>> The Ultra Pixel Porn Vol 2 of September issue is also available at ultrafashionporn.com.
>> Add "Skull Knight".
>> Add "Nosferatu Zodd".
>> The early August issue has arrived but not quite linked from the splash page yet til August actually arrived. This issue will be updated quite frequent. So, come back often.
>> Add "Losing Head ".
>> You may not know that Yong's Gallery also has an alias of pixelfucker.net.
>> The Ultra Pixel Porn Vol 1 of August issue is also available at ultrafashionporn.com.
>> More E3 2001 booth babes I just found on my other memory card now available on July issue.
>> Add Movie Watched "Final Fantasy" to July 4th issue.
>> Little cute pixelfold babes added on the splash page, most of them created by Francis Lam from db-db , and some of them were painted by me.
>> Add "Saving my bitches".
>> My site was mentioned in "Designer's Note pad ". exactly on my birthday
>> Some booth babes I forgot to post now available on July issue.
>> Yong's Site is featured in "Cool Web Design Site". I'm so proud of myself (^_^). Just go search for "yong" from the search link off the homepage of the site if you can not find my site listed there.
>> Add "Why the hell should I quit smoking?" image.
>> Special July 4th issue.
>> Create the new July month page and add "Hello there" image.
>> E3 2001 Booth Babes added to July issue.
>> Add "Pain" and "The Fool" to the site.
>> Add "Don't Mess With Me".
>> Add JavaScript News Release to the page.
>> Tone down the mature theme of "of beauty and nature".
>> Finally got this gallery section up and running.
>> Convert "of beauty and nature" to be Flash animation..
>> Add "Dragon Slayer" image to the splash page.
>> Moved "Crimson Lady" the archive section.
>> Finally got this gallery section up and running.
>> Add "Crimson Lady" to the splash page.