FreeWave Book

Illustrations, Art, Comic, and my life.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

"Little Prints" OTTOTTO

A friend from work showed me an art workshop event which will be held this weekend. The style of art is paper block printing. I immediately got very interested after I read through the event’s synopsis. This exhibition’s titled “Little Prints” and is to start on Saturday at 2:00 PM. I told my friend to reserve a spot for me and my girlfriend right away.

Hence on Saturday, My friend, my girlfriend and I began our little art journey together. We arrived there a bit late (2:35 PM) due to various reasons. The place is located in quite a nice area which I didn’t know before (although the place is just a few blocks from my house—perhaps because I haven’t got out much lately).

Location of The Art House

By the time we got there, the demonstration and workshop have already started. The workshop’s managed by Thai-Japanese duo artists (Napapon Kurae and Tamawak Akimitsu). The duo’s also known as OTTOTTO. They were very nice in explaining every details about the process of paper block printing from conceptual planning, sketching, all the way to how to bind the illustrated pages.

The artist shows how to make paper block printing

The artist and his book

The artist at work

The artist prepares his print color

We also had a chance to lurk around the exhibition areas and took some shots of finished works by the duo art masters. The works really remind me of my childhood and how simple things can be so beautiful and fun.

In and around the Art House

One of the pieces up the wall

Finished works available for close examination

Bound and read for enjoying

Another finished work

Our friend also got her hands dirty and got a very nice 2-page illustration done complete with a cover.

Getting started

The cover of finiahed work

Look what's inside :)

I must say the whole experience was very insightful and fun. For those who’ve missed the event, you may enjoy the exhibition from August 1-32, 2004 at:

Address: Rajata Art House 52 Samsen 5 Road, Bang Khunprom, Bangkok
Tel: 0.2201.2115


Anonymous said...

ดูแปลกตาดีนะคับ อยากไปลองดูบ้างจัง ไม่รู้ยากหรือป่าว

1:29 AM

Anonymous said...

very interesting idea. I think it is good for children too.

11:39 AM

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. Beautiful art work.

2:44 PM

You know my Name said...

I found the key!! it's at the art gallery. Sensei just returned my call that he found it there.
So bad I gotta drive all the way down there just to pick up my key. :-(

10:07 PM

Anonymous said...

I wish I were in Thailand to go to the gallery.

10:38 PM

Anonymous said...

This is quite cool. Yong..who's the girl in the pic?

11:24 PM

Anonymous said...

Simple art is so interesting. Especially hand made ones...very intriqing and attractive.

4:24 PM

Anonymous said...

that's cool... maybe my girl6 can do paper block printing.

9:44 AM

Yongkiat said...

You know my Name, sorry for the lost key..., I hope you get ti back soon.

Photon, this little paper bloack printing is quite cool and I bet you can use it to enhance your already awesome Girl6 project.

12:09 PM

Anonymous said...

Yong, you are amazing! How can you find free times for all these activities since there are so many projects you also work on.

12:19 PM


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