FreeWave Book

Illustrations, Art, Comic, and my life.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Wat Benchamabophit Trip

I was planning to visit the Grand Palace and Wat Phra Kaew again to get all images of mural paintings last Saturday because last weekend the place was overwhelmed by tourists. A friend of my, Soon, picked my girlfriend and I up and headed to the place. Reached there at around 9:00 AM but it seemed like the place was even more crowded than previous weekend. So we decided to visit Wat Pho first and gave time to let tourists leave the vicinity. Spent about a good 1 hour at Wat Pho and took some pictures around the temple.

Wat Pho (Wat Phra Chetuphon Vimon Mangkala Ram)

Beautiful Prangs within Wat Pho

Ancient Massage Diagram

After that, we walked to the Grand Palace and do our photo mission. Again the place was infested with tourists. We tried to take some photos but no luck at all as there were too many people walking left and right. This makes taking photos of the murals an impossible task to do because some tourist just don't care whether there's someone trying to take a snapshot..they just walk across the shooting Len. I was a bit pissed but we were outnumbered 1000 to 3. So I suggested our team to skip Wat Phra Kaew and go directly to Wat Ben instead.

See how crowded it was at Wat Phra Kaew

I think it was a field day for some students too! But why did they have to sit there and block the walk way?

Wat Ben or Wat Benchamabophit was very nice temple and there were very little tourists that day. The temple has European influence on Thai architecture. In some parts, however, you can feel the presence of Chinese style as well. Although there weren't many Himapan arts here, you can still spot a couple of Singhas statues within the temple.

A Beautiful Metal Statue of Singha

Best of all, there are 53 Buddha images collected from all over Thailand located in the cloister.

The most revered copy of Phra Buddha Chinarat

Various postures of Buddha

What I have learned today:

A friend of mine at work, Kung, brought up an issue about snakes and legs. So I search and found this:-

Do Boa Constrictors Really have remnants of hind legs?---(Source:
Boas are among the most primitive of existing snakes. They have visible claws near the base of the tail, which some scientists believe are actually remnants of hind legs. In the males, not only are the claws highly visible, they are used in the seduction of the female.


Anonymous said...

Again, interesting trip/ nice pics :-) By the way, I must compliment on "your friend at work" who's brough up about the snake thing, she sure has nice personallity and know so many things ;-P

3:49 PM

Anonymous said...

I really like the face of the last photo. Very peaceful.

5:04 PM

Anonymous said...

เราเคยไปถ่ายวัดพระแก้วกับพี่นัท แต่คราวนั้นไปตอนเช้ามั้ง ไม่มีคนเลยนะ ถ่ายได้สบายมาก ๆ แต่มันเป็นวันธรรมดาด้วยหรือเปล่าไม่รู้

5:33 PM

Yongkiat said...

Thank you Photon for your advice..weekdays would probably have less people for sure. Too bad, I would be busy workign as well :(.

5:42 PM


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