FreeWave Book

Illustrations, Art, Comic, and my life.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Sunday Excursion

Because I'm engaging in a couple of projects about thailand, one about traveling in Thailand (for my work place) and one for my personal book, my friends and I decided to take a small one-day trip to take some photos around Thailand old city, The Golden Mount, The Grand Palace, Phra Kaew Temple, Rajanada Temple, etc. The result's pretty amazing. Besides my girlfriend and I, the team of photographers comprised of Soon, Keng and To. This entry of the blog will be more of a visual feast for those who enjoy Thai culture.

We start off the trip (late at around 11:20am) by visiting Wat Theptidaram. Pictured below is Sala tree (Couroupita guianensis Aubl.). According to Buddhist tale, Sala tree is the tree which Lord Buddha was born under)

Sala Flower

Here at Wat Rajanaddaram, we saw the one of a kind metallic castle (Loha Prasada) built in the year 1846.

Loha Prasada

Then we took a walk upward to take some photos of the Golden Mount.

The golden Mount at Wat Sraked

After sightseeing around the area, we decided to take off for the beautiful complex of the Grand Palace and Wat Phra Kaew. On the way we took a snapshot of the Democracy Monument.

The Democracy Monument

Here at the Grand Palace complex, we experienced rich and amazing cultures, from traditional Chinese stucco statues, Finely detailed mural paintings, and best of all the beautiful Thai style architectural buildings.

Stucco Statue of a lion

Mural painting depicting the story of Ramakien

Mural painting depicting the story of Ramakien

Wat Phra Kaew (Temple)

The palace within the complex

What I've learned this past weekend:

1. Wisdom teeth. Have you ever wonder why would they call these molar teeth "wisdom"? After all, besides being totally useless, they cause nothing but pain pain and pain. Here's what I've been told: They are called "wisdom teeth" because they noramlly emerge during a person's late teens or early twenties, which has been called the "age of wisdom".

2. Code names of OS X versions are named after felines.
▪ Version 10.0 -- Cheetah
▪ Version 10.1 -- Puma
▪ Version 10.2 -- Jaguar
▪ Version 10.3 -- Panther
▪ Version 10.4 -- Tiger


Anonymous said...

beatiful photos. You did good research.

11:52 AM

Anonymous said...

Hey Yong,

Wimanmek Palace is another place that is not to be missed. Apparently it is the world's largest golden teak building. There are lots of precious treasures from King Rama 5 in the building too. It's a kind of museum. I've been there a couple of times when friends of mine from overseas come to Thailand. One thing that I dont really like about it is that you have to take your shoes off and keep them in the Locker Room, a small room underneath the palace,where you can smell other people's feet. I have to say that it stinks!! :-(

See you around,

12:16 PM

Yongkiat said...

Thank you for your advice, P' Ni. I'll be sure to go there. :)


1:39 PM

Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful country with beautiful culture.

8:07 PM

Anonymous said...

Hey Mango,

Nice pics :-) And have you guys go to the floating market at Dam-Nern-Sa-Duag? I've been there with my Jap friends and they're all love love love it!! You need to go early morning, there're lots of boats with all your favorite traditional (local and simple) thai food, desert, and cute souvenior that is hard to find in BKK cuz most of them are handmade by the seller/ sailer. If you go there after 11am, there's almost no boat to be seen. Well, my last time there was like 5 year ago, hope it's still the same :-)

From Ms.Funny shrimp!

4:59 PM

Yongkiat said...

Thank you, funny shrimp :)I'll try to go there as well should time permit (^_^)


5:54 PM


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