Illustrations, Art, and Comic.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Caricature Stuff

While today’s my birthday and I suppose to be relaxing and all, my girlfriend’s sister just sent me a picture of her hand-drawn caricature. So my friend and I came up with an idea of doing an online caricature service. I think we might start it slowly as I still want to dedicate my life for my office work while having enough time to do my Himapan project. Maybe I have to think it through and see all possibilities with caricature illustrations. What do you guys think about this piece of illustration?

My B.D. Present

To celebrate my birthday and other 2 co-workers who happen to have the same birth month, my boss took the whole company to eat at a fine Japanese restaurant. Too bad the place is a bit too small, so we have to split to 2 rooms with about 10 persons per room.

I ordered a U.S. Beef stake but it seemed like they ran out of American born I reorder another dish which suppose to be equally good, NZ. Beef ;). Meanwhile, I was nibbling on my friend's dishes. It arrived the second to last, by that time I was already full with other peoples' food. I had all kind of stuff ranging from various types of sushi, rolls, and teriyakis. It was indeed a good lunch. To top it off, my boos paid it all ;) Now that makes the dish even more delicious.

Here are some faces on my table:

It's almost time to leave, and is time to unwrap my present. My co-workers have all shelled out and bought me a book I've been yearning to get....LOTR-ROTK illustration book. The book contains a lot of very well drawn and designed illustrations for the last chapter of one of the greatest films ever made. Some were used in the process of creating the film. Now I'll have something to read or the next few weeks.

Here is the cover scan of the book:

More factual details about the book:
Title: The Art of The Return of the King
Author: Gary Russell
Book Format: C Format Hardback
No. of Pages: 192 pages
Height & Width: 28.7cm x 22.9cm
ISBN: 0007135653
Publication Date: 3 March 2004

27 to be...

Today is my birthday. I'm turning 27. I know it's quite a big number and many may think I'm quite an old man. Sometimes I feel like that. Other times, I think I'm still full of life and must try new things every day. I guess being old(er) has some goods and bads.

One of the good points is that I'll (hopefully) be smarter than last year. Actually last year I promised myself a resolution which is to learn a new thing for every dawn. I'd say I'm 60% successful in keeping that promise. In fact, I feel smarter than the day before...although just a tad bit. Some may not even be useful for other people except me. (^_^)

Let's see what I've learned within these past few days.

1. Yesterday, a colleague at work asked me a question about why her Internet Explorer wouldn't permit her to save a JPEG file except for .BMP extension. I knew that this problem had occurred to me once. So I did some research and realized that the problem's caused by a Damaged or Unknown program file (active or java) is downloaded to the downloaded program files folder. To solve such stupid problem you can simply empty the contents of the "Temporary Internet Files" folder, and then delete any files in the "Downloaded Program Files" folder that are listed as "Unknown" or "Damaged". Quite a nifty trick, eh?

The full solution was provided on the net and can be viewed at:

2. I was informed that now accepts Thai as a support country. This means I can ebay like I used to while I as in the States ;).

3. This one is from my girlfriend. She taught me that if my teeth are really dirty (because of coffee stain or otherwise) even though you have brushed already, you can just use a few droplets of lemon to wipe the stains out. --This trick has never been proved by me though.

4. To get a credit card in Thailand you must have a steady income of more than approx. 8,000 Baht (That is around US$200).

Anywho...another great news is that illustrations which my girlfriend and I created are now in the process of printing by The book will be titled "Freeware" and should be available by the year end. Here's a sample illustration on the book:

'til next blog...