Illustrations, Art, Comic, and my life.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Hippogriff and Ussadorn Vihok, a Himapan creature

I'm not much of a Harry Potter fan, but I just happen to notice a creature in the film to be quite interesting and similar to what I'm doing for my Himapan creature book. The animal in the film Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban named Buckbeak is a part eagle-part horse creature. The official name to this creature is "Hippogriff" which is
a combination word derived from 2 words; "Hippo"(which means horse) and "Griffin".

According to Encyclopedia of Britannica, Hippogriff is a legendary animal, half horse and half griffin. Its father was a griffin and its mother was a filly. It is often found in ancient Greek art and appeared largely in medieval legends. It's however strikingly similar to a "Ussadorn Vihok" in Himapan legend.

Buckbeak, a Hippogriff in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Ussadorn Vihok in Himapan Legend

What I have learned this weekend:
1. The book I participated in is now being printed and will be in stores world wide by September 2004.

2. Thai measurement: 1 Yod (๑ โยชน์) = 16 kilometers.

3. You may go to if you wish to have your comic printed. They provide comic on demand service. (Learned from reading a post on David Luscombe website

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Vektorotika #5: Toys / Games

I periodically contribute illustrations to quite a number of magazine as it's a good way to practice my art skill and is a good way to get to know other people who work in the same field. This time is I contributed a piece to Vektorotika, an online PDF magazine focusing on Vector arts. The magazine's managed by Godot Guntoro who is a digital artist himself.

The latest issue of Vektorotika (Issue# 5:Toys/Games issue) is now available for a grab at You may click here to fetch the file directly.

This issue features works from various International vector artists including:
▪ Adith -Indonesia
▪ Aidil Muladha ( -Indonesia
▪ Alejandro Pantoja ( -Chile
▪ Almightyrobot -Sweden
▪ Christina Gakopoulou ( -Germany
▪ Christoph Reiprich (
▪ Cristiano Ripanucci ( -Italy
▪ Damien Weighill ( -UK
▪ David Åberg ( -Sweden
▪ Devon Wolfe ( -Canada
▪ Dom2 -Indonesia
▪ Dying Angel ( -Indonesia
▪ estudio IMG -Brazil
▪ Eugene Artsebasov -Russia
▪ Goncalo Branca -Portugal
▪ Ingo “tHIGHler” Fischer ( -Germany
▪ Jan Hähnel -Germany
▪ Jara Cordero -Spain
▪ Lonnie Yordan ( -Indonesia
▪ Michael Shpaizman ( -Germany
▪ Nicolas Marchal ( -France
▪ Nine_c -Canada
▪ Pablo Gostanian ( -Argentina
▪ Paul middlewick ( -UK
▪ Paulo Piedade ( -Portugal
▪ Pete harrison ( -UK
▪ Peter Steineck ( -USA
▪ Purna Karya ( -Indonesia
▪ Richard Ade Arifin -Indonesia
▪ Rudi Adrianto ( -Indoensia
▪ Sailormoon ( -The Netherlands
▪ Sandra García -Colombia
▪ Shieko ( -Malaysia
▪ Sofus Graae ( -Denmark
▪ Stephen ( -Malaysia
▪ Tema Semenov ( -Russia
▪ The unknow John Doe ( -Italy
▪ Virginia S. van Slimming ( -The Netherlands
▪ Wynn Fermin ( -USA
▪ Yongkiat Karnchanapayap ( -Thailand
▪ Yop -Indonesia
▪ Zulkifli ( -Indonesia

Previous issues can be downloaded by accessing this page

Cover page of Vektoritika #4

An art piece by featured in Vektoritika #3

Monday, July 19, 2004

Sunday Excursion

Because I'm engaging in a couple of projects about thailand, one about traveling in Thailand (for my work place) and one for my personal book, my friends and I decided to take a small one-day trip to take some photos around Thailand old city, The Golden Mount, The Grand Palace, Phra Kaew Temple, Rajanada Temple, etc. The result's pretty amazing. Besides my girlfriend and I, the team of photographers comprised of Soon, Keng and To. This entry of the blog will be more of a visual feast for those who enjoy Thai culture.

We start off the trip (late at around 11:20am) by visiting Wat Theptidaram. Pictured below is Sala tree (Couroupita guianensis Aubl.). According to Buddhist tale, Sala tree is the tree which Lord Buddha was born under)

Sala Flower

Here at Wat Rajanaddaram, we saw the one of a kind metallic castle (Loha Prasada) built in the year 1846.

Loha Prasada

Then we took a walk upward to take some photos of the Golden Mount.

The golden Mount at Wat Sraked

After sightseeing around the area, we decided to take off for the beautiful complex of the Grand Palace and Wat Phra Kaew. On the way we took a snapshot of the Democracy Monument.

The Democracy Monument

Here at the Grand Palace complex, we experienced rich and amazing cultures, from traditional Chinese stucco statues, Finely detailed mural paintings, and best of all the beautiful Thai style architectural buildings.

Stucco Statue of a lion

Mural painting depicting the story of Ramakien

Mural painting depicting the story of Ramakien

Wat Phra Kaew (Temple)

The palace within the complex

What I've learned this past weekend:

1. Wisdom teeth. Have you ever wonder why would they call these molar teeth "wisdom"? After all, besides being totally useless, they cause nothing but pain pain and pain. Here's what I've been told: They are called "wisdom teeth" because they noramlly emerge during a person's late teens or early twenties, which has been called the "age of wisdom".

2. Code names of OS X versions are named after felines.
▪ Version 10.0 -- Cheetah
▪ Version 10.1 -- Puma
▪ Version 10.2 -- Jaguar
▪ Version 10.3 -- Panther
▪ Version 10.4 -- Tiger