FreeWave Book

Illustrations, Art, Comic, and my life.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I'd like to announce that a project which my company has been working on is now live. The project is called Thai Travel Info, it's a web based information portal which will be highly beneficial to tourists who wish to travel within the kingdom of Thailand. This site is also suitable for all types of tourists, from novice travelers to expert tourists.

The site has a unique way of navigating which is totally different from other sites, you may navigate and see various traveling destinations by categories. As for example, if you wish to travel within Thailand and want to go to beaches, you can simply jump right in to Beaches and Islands section and begin searching for your tropical paradise!

Another interesting feature in this site is the ability for users to post their traveling experience for others to see. We call this feature "Field Report". This sharing of information will lead the site to be one of Thailand's best Traveling hubs.

Things I have learned recently:
I'm reading a book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and Although it touches briefly on Prime Numbers, it got me interested on their uniqueness.

Definition of Prime by Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary:

prime \'prim\ n [ME, fr. MF, fem. of prin first, L primus; akin to L prior]

1: first in time : ORIGINAL

2a: having no factor except itself and one <3>
2b: having no common factor except one <12>

3a: first in rank, authority or significance : PRINCIPAL
3b: having the highest quality or value <~ television time>

Follow this link and see some of the largest known prime numbers. Pretty cool stuff.


Anonymous said...

Nice travel site. Very informative and in-depth. good man, good.

10:57 AM

Anonymous said...

เวบดูดีคับ เป็นทางการดี

5:38 PM

Anonymous said...

Quite an interesting project your company got. Very clean design and professional.

8:37 PM


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