FreeWave Book

Illustrations, Art, Comic, and my life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 live!!!

The site's been lacking update not because I'm getting lazier....but because I've been working my ass off in getting another site up. This one, again, dedicates to the topic I'm interested in--The Himmapan creatures.

The site is located locally in Thailand. The URL is The site is proudly hosted by Memory Dust Please take a closer look at it, be sure to drop me a line if you see anything out of place. ;)



Anonymous said...

Wow this is awesome!!!

11:17 AM

adamy said...

She might help you... I don't know her but if you looked into her work on some Himmabarn creature ... It's such a nice work

Thankyou & Goodbye

10:20 PM

Yongkiat said...

Thank you for your suggestion, I'll check out the site you mentioned :)


11:45 PM

Anonymous said...

Far out ...this is neat shit!

11:42 PM

Anonymous said...

This is very educational and good. Must have taken you a long time to do this.


12:46 PM


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